Two Thank Yous

Dear Members of the Friends of the Fells Community,

With a month under my belt as the Friends’ new Executive Director, I want to thank all of you who have been so supportive and welcoming to me as I “find my feet” and begin making connections with the great community that has been established to care for and protect the gem that is the Middlesex Fells.

All of the staff, board members, volunteers, and other community members I’ve interacted with so far have been helpful, enthusiastic, and thoughtful advocates. I’m heartened by the level of energy and commitment directed towards the Fells. It gives me confidence that our work together will continue to grow in significance and impact going forward.

And, speaking of impact, I want to also thank all of you who contributed to our Summer Appeal fundraising effort this year. Your contributions totaled $12,922, and triggered a $15,000 matching gift to the R.J. Weggel Endowment Fund for the Friends of the Fells, bringing the total raised to $27,922 to support our continued work to protect the Fells and connect people to the forest we all love.

Thanks again for a great first month, and for your continued support. Please feel free to reach out to me any time with your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas. I can be reached at


Chris Redfern