Public Lands Preservation Act

Our fight to preserve the 90mm meadow site from development, although a victory for the conservation of the Fells, has demonstrated the need for all of us to become more proactive in our advocacy for the natural resources of our state.

Our success with the meadow is– put simply– no guarantee that future attempts at development in the Fells can be successfully opposed.  Thus, all our energy and outreach this time may have no impact on future fights. But there is immediate action that you can take right now!  The Friends of the Middlesex Fells would urge all of our members and supporters to advocate for the Public Lands Preservation Act by contacting your state legislator(s) to urge them to co-sponsor the bill.

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Please use this opportunity to help us protect all of Massachusetts’ natural resources! Many of our members have expressed their gratitude for the support of Friends of the Middlesex Fells Reservation in helping Public Lands Preservation Act (PLPA; “Article 97 No-net-loss bill”- S459) get so far.

The PLPA has been refiled by Senate Eldridge and Representative Balser, and we want to get as many legislative co-sponsors of the bill as possible to give it momentum and get it over the goal line this session.

If your legislator has already co-sponsored [see alphabetized PDF list] please thank them.  If your legislator is not on the list, please ask him or her to co-sponsor S459.

Please pick up the phone and call your representative’s office (you can find your Representative at and ask them to co-sponsor the Public Lands Preservation Act (S459). Then please contact your friends and members of the Friends and ask them to do the same.

The PLPA would provide needed protection for our conservation lands, parks, watersheds, and other public natural resource lands. These lands are particularly important for dealing with climate change; they act as buffers, absorbing water in times of heavy rain and releasing it in time of drought.

For your reference,  please see a 2-page fact sheet, a downloadable PDF copy of the full PLPA, and an official link at:

Thank you for your support.  Please call or email your legislator today.