July Volunteer Spotlight

Laurie Adamson and Dennis Crouse are originally from Cape Cod and Marion, Iowa, respectively. The pair have lived together in Melrose for 38 years. They are self-proclaimed “nature nuts” who love being outdoors and experiencing nature. This love of the outdoors has taken them hiking throughout the country and the Fells. They have been FOF members for many years and began volunteering as hike leaders over a decade ago. They often lead hikes for children and families through our Babes in the Woods and Hike ‘N’ Seek programs.

After retiring from working with elementary school students 15 years ago, Laurie was looking for ways to get involved. She discovered Babes in the Woods and decided to volunteer on the hikes. A few years later, Dennis retired from a career as a chemist and Laurie invited him to join her. They have both been pivotal members of the groups ever since.

Laurie leading a Hike ‘n’ Seek with some enthusiastic participants.

Over the years, Laurie and Dennis accumulated many memories, but their favorite one takes place by the High Reservoir. They once saw an exotic-looking bird wading near the shore with a plume on its head. They thought that maybe a bird escaped from the Stone Zoo, but it turned out to be a black-crowned night heron, which breed in this area. “Seeing it was one of our coolest experiences in the Fells,” they say about the sighting.

Laurie’s favorite part about leading hikes is the little walkers (children between the ages of two and five). “They’re curious and they get so excited about everything,” Laurie adds. Dennis’ favorite aspect of leading hikes is meeting all the attendees. “The young men and women who have babies, they are out there to talk and socialize, and they love the fact that I point things out on the way,” says Dennis.

Laurie and Dennis have some advice for anyone interested in leading hikes or volunteering. “Do it, jump in. Everyone who you will meet has a love of the Fells like you do, so look at all the different opportunities and join and try it out.”

Thank you, Dennis and Laurie, for all that you do for the Fells!

If you are interested in learning more and getting involved, please reach out to friends@fells.org, complete the Volunteer Application, or keep an eye on our calendar here for upcoming volunteer events.