Volunteer Spotlight–Susan Tremonte

Check out our newest Spotlight on Susan Tremonte!  Susan is with the SEEM Collaborative in Stoneham.  We’ve also placed their students as interns.  Although Susan is sometimes wearing a professional hat in the Fells, she serves us as a volunteer as well, such as when she helped make the Valentine’s Day event so successful.

Name: Susan Tremonte

Town: Salem, MA

Profession: I am the Recreation Specialist at SEEM Collaborative. SEEM’s recreational services assist youth in identifying and accessing community leisure and recreational opportunities. The Friends of the Middlesex Fells Reservation has been a valuable resource in programming, and encouraging our students to get outside and explore the beautiful natural world around them. Together, along with Mass DCR, we have created an iPhone Photography Program that encourages high school students to use their phones to capture natural photos, and memories they share in the woods together. The students’ responses to this program have been extremely positive, which makes future programming exciting to plan. For more information on the SEEM Collaborative, check out http://seemcollaborative.org 

Involved Since: 2015

Susan tells us:

I love introducing new recreational opportunities to people of all ages. Volunteering with the Friends of the Fells has further opened up the world of recreation to me. Collaborating and sharing nature with like-minded people has brought a new level of happiness to my life, which I hope to share with others. My love, and respect for the outdoors was established at a very young age. My summers consisted of camping, fishing, puddle jumping, bike riding, swimming, and picnics in the woods. I spent a lot of time at an overnight camp called East Boston Camps. It was on Burges Pond where I learned that I was most happy in the woods. My dad taught me about knowing my surroundings, which has proven to be a useful skill to have in the woods, and in life in general. Navigating through the woods with my dog Luna, a trusty compass, a trail map, and the sun on my back is one of the most liberating experiences. Sharing my knowledge of the outdoors, and continuing to learn, and grow will be my lifelong mission.

What kinds of questions would you like us to ask our Spotlighters?  Do you have any nominations for future volunteers to feature?  Comment here, or email friends@fells.org or message us on our Facebook feed.  Would you like to get more involved yourself?  Here’s the link:  Click here to let us know how you can help.  Are you representing a school, like Susan?  Email friends@fells.org and we’ll connect you to the right people.