Scroll to see photos of this year’s volunteers and their hard work!
Our volunteers are the bee’s knees!
Our volunteers continued to exceed our expectations this year. Over 650 volunteers participated in our Trail Adopter program, led hikes, removed invasive species, picked up trash, collected data, conducted trail maintenance, assisted in communications efforts, and helped with community outreach. We also worked with 24 generous businesses, schools, and organizations on a variety of projects throughout the Fells (you can see them listed below!).
In total, volunteers donated over 1,700 hours of their time to support the Friends and the Fells. In Massachusetts, that’s over $69,649 in dedicated work at the Fells. We cannot thank our volunteers enough for all their hard work and dedication to keeping our Fells beautiful, ecologically sustainable, and safe for years to come!
Read more about the amazing work our volunteers have done below:

Our Trail Adopters and volunteers from Earthwise Aware (EwA) recorded over 3,660 items of note to keep the trails looking sharp. They contributed over 520 hours to clearing trails, removing and reporting downed tree limbs, picking up trash, clearing culverts, and other special projects. They removed over 200 pieces of trash, cleared 89 culverts and water bars, and addressed issues with trail blazes and rogue trails. Multiple volunteers from the Boy and Girl Scouts helped paint dozens of new trail blazes to keep the trails well-marked.
Interested in becoming a Trail Adopter? Complete the application here!

Our volunteer hike leaders offered a wide variety of guided routes throughout the Fells. There were a total of 106 social and educational hikes, over 50 Babes in the Woods hikes, and seven Hike ‘n’ Seeks. More than 775 people attended FOF community hikes this year.
Want to join a hike? Check out our calendar here! Want to lead a hike? Let us know by contacting Community Engagement Manager, Maddie Morgan, at
Thank you DCR and EwA!
A huge shoutout and thank you go to the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and the Earthwise Aware (EwA) teams.
We could not do these volunteer events without the generous support, guidance, time, and tools of the DCR Fells team.
EwA developed the mobile applications that our volunteers use to collect data on trails, submit reports, and determine the health of the Fells. EwA consultants and volunteers also analyze the data collected to help guide our future conservation efforts and projects.
Join us in thanking the DCR Fells and Earthwise Aware teams for keeping our park safe, sustainable, conserved, and enjoyable for years to come!

Friends of the Fells offered 17 open volunteer days in 2024 and our dedicated volunteers showed up ready to make a difference. We worked with 220 volunteers to remove 50 bags and 19 piles of invasives from the Fells. We tackled black swallowwort, bittersweet, garlic mustard, multiflora rose, Japanese knotweed, buckthorn, and porcelain berry. Volunteers also removed 29 bags of trash at these events.
2024 was an incredible year thanks to the hard work of our wonderful volunteers. We exceeded the number of projects, volunteers, and hours in 2023. We look forward to working with you all again in 2025 and continuing to grow those numbers!

Thank you to our 2024 partners and volunteers!
Appalachian Mountain Club
Baldwin Wallace
Buckingham Browne & Nichols School
Cambridge Running Club
Earthwise Aware (EwA)
Gay for Good
Idle Hands Craft Ales
Intellia Therapeutics
Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)
Keep Stoneham Beautiful
Live Blue – New England Aquarium Service Corps
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
Medford Boy Scouts Troop 416
Medford Girl Scouts
New England Mountain Bike Association (NEMBA)
Paddle Boston
Roberts Elementary School
Tufts Leonard Carmichael Society
Tufts Mountain Club
Washington University Boston Alumni Network
Winchester Girl Scouts
Want to volunteer with your group? Learn more about our group volunteering opportunities here.