Since the announcement of our ‘My Fells’ community expression project last month, several members of the Fells family have shared their inspiring words, pictures, and videos with us. In doing so, they have provided us with a way to “share our shared love for the Fells” with all of you, as well!
Tell us how YOU experience the Fells!
In one minute or less, using whatever media you like, share your own version of My Fells with us. Use photos, video, poetry, prose. Post it to your choice of a YouTube or Vimeo account, Facebook page, blog, website, online photo album, Google Drive or Dropbox folder and send us a link.
Send your submission to
Here is the first collection of our My Fells submissions. We hope that you will take as much inspiration from them as we do:
First, we have two video submission from our own Board President, Jeff Buxbaum of Medford. The first video was Jeff’s original inspiration for the project, created in 2015:
And here, another, more recent video submission created by Jeff:
Next, Lewis Dalven and Shelly Schou from Arlington shared their thoughts on the Fells in prose form:
I discovered the Middlesex Fells during this time of the pandemic. It has served as a refuge and sanctuary on many mornings that I have been taking morning walks there. I grew up in the middle of NH and was spoiled being around beauty so much of my life. I have been in the Boston area for the past 9 years and had not yet found the beauty like I discovered at the Fells. The discovery came at a much needed time.
Since the CV pandemic began, my twice weekly visits to the Fells have been my main source of exercise, commune with nature time, and have helped to keep me balanced and hopeful. Fellow visitors…families with kids, walkers, runners, and bikers alike, have shown consideration, good cheer, and courtesy without fail. The greening of the foliage, the songs of birds and frogs, sounds of running streams all help to put worry at a remove. Our Fells are a treasure always, and especially now.

[Click on the thumbnails to enlarge]
[Click the picture below to open the video in a new tab. Note: the link brings you to an external site.]
For more videos like this one, visit our new YouTube channel, where new content is being added weekly!